viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

Why I study Journalism?

From child liked to write and to report. Always I had personality great and wise that was going to study something related to the communications.
Though many people did not like that I was studying journalism, I wanted to study this career because I want to be employed at something that I like. Though it does not have the best salaries, this career is entertained and there completes, which forms you to be employed at diverse areas.
A journalist can contribute to his country, can help those that do not have a voice to say what is happening. This career can deliver services and entertaiment, and better even, in different platforms, as the television, the radio or Internet.
The journalism goes in agreement to my way of seeing the life. It is necessary to be able to realize different works and to be formed in different areas. I dont know what will happen with me in the future, but today I am happy with the desicion to study this career. by Carlos Ferreira.

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