viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

Why i study Journalism?

It's difficult to answer why I'm studying journalism. We all know that you work really hard, and you won't become a millionaire, among other things. However, I believe that journalism is one of the few professions in which you really have to love what you're doing to be successful. You can't be born as a good journalist. You build good journalist. And that can only happen if you are willing to work hard and learn with every step you take.

I could say that I study journalism because I need to speak up. I feel the need of saying the things that noone says. I like being this sort of "messenger". The fact that my words can reach people's hearts, tell them the truth, make them aware of what happens around them.

Behind journalism there's no money, no pretensions. But, anyhow, you always win something. Experience, in this carreer, is irreplaceable.

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