viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

City Tour

Hello to all. We are Carlos, Philip, Diego and Víctor again. Do they come from trip to Chile? Do they want to be able what places visit? Here we show them four perfect places with magic, culture, history and entretención.

Let's begin!

From the International Airport of Santiago we go away to our first destination. La Moneda. This one is the Presidential Palace where former tickets were made. It is next to different departments and at the head of the famous walk bulnes. This place is in La Alameda, the principal avenue of Santiago. To come to this place, you must take the meter up to the station La Moenda. You can cross the corridors of the Palace along which at some time Salvador Allende, Augusto Pinochet and Michelle Bachelet walked.
Another typical place of this city is the Neighborhood Lastarria. This sector has many restaurants, shops, museums and fairs of exages. The architecture that surrounds this place is of French origin and today it is chosen by many young persons to share with friends and to amuse itself. We recommend to them to visit the Museum of Fine arts and to walk along the Forest Park.
To come to this beautiful place you can take the subway and lower on the Universidad Catòlica station and you travel two stables towards the north.
Cerca del Parque también puedes subir al Cerro San Cristobal. Puedes viajar en teleféricos, comer comida típica chilena y llegar hasta el monumento de la Virgen. Mucha gente hace deporte en el cerro, también tiene un museo y piscina para visitar en familia y ver la ciudad desde lo alto.
The sport in Chile also is an option to amuse itself. Already you know of Culture and night life. The National Stadium Julio Martínez Pradanos is a monument of the football and also of the history. You can go the weekends to see a match of the national championship. The enclosure stays in Grecia street, Ñuñoa, and you can come even there across a taxi.
The National Stadium received the world one of 1962. Here it plays the Chilean selection, also known as "La Roja".
Inside the sports complex that makes a detour to the stadium there are fields of tennis, Olympian swimming pool, velodrome and skating rinks. It has a capacity for 50 thousand spectators..
See a football match and feels the emotion of a goal in this enclosure in Chile.

Story in the Past

We have a great time in South Africa. We arrived two weeks ago and we saw the inaugural match between Mexico and South Africa. It was impressive, South Africa drew 1-1 and made very good impressions of what may be his play in the World Cup ..
With Victor and Carlos, we have bought vuvuzela, a kind of horn that sounds very strong and serves to promote your team. In addition, we paint the Chilean flag in the face to go see the match against Honduras. We won 1-0 and we are very happy.
Black women are beautiful. We are eager to be with some, especially Carlos, who is reputed to eat many women. I send you many greetings, you are very good, a giant hug.
Diego, Victor and Carlos

Are neighborhood

The neighborhood in which we study this one in the downtown. It is a university neighborhood, in which the night life and of holiday it is very often. They can find so many universities as bars, also there are very cheap places to eat and of a lot of variety.
There are people who believes that the neighborhood is dangerous, due to being very crowded and central. But we know that it is a very sure place and where thousands of students coexist. The neighborhood is very ancient, has houses constructed in 1800 and one very showy architecture.
The houses and ancient departments contrast with the modern buildings of universities and companies. Because of it it is that we recommend the neighborhood in which we spend most of the day. A calm place to study and to spend a good moment after classes. You can go for a beer or even be going to dance after studying. It is for all that that the university neighborhood is the better thing that exists in Santiago of Chile.

The weather report

The Rancagua and other cities of the south of Chile are very cold. Usually it is cloudy and rany. In this city the people use many clothes to wrap up itself.

Iquique is a city located in the north of Chile. This place has a great weather all year long, and it’s great beaches make it a city to sunbathe during every season.

Santiago is Chile’s capital. It is a very pollutioned city. During winter it is very cold. It is a very rainy city, and even though it doesn’t always rain, there are week when it won’t stop.

Why I study Journalism?

From child liked to write and to report. Always I had personality great and wise that was going to study something related to the communications.
Though many people did not like that I was studying journalism, I wanted to study this career because I want to be employed at something that I like. Though it does not have the best salaries, this career is entertained and there completes, which forms you to be employed at diverse areas.
A journalist can contribute to his country, can help those that do not have a voice to say what is happening. This career can deliver services and entertaiment, and better even, in different platforms, as the television, the radio or Internet.
The journalism goes in agreement to my way of seeing the life. It is necessary to be able to realize different works and to be formed in different areas. I dont know what will happen with me in the future, but today I am happy with the desicion to study this career. by Carlos Ferreira.

Toy Story 3 vs. Final Shrek

Both animation movies, has characteristics that make them fun for children and adults. First, Toy Story 3 is the conclusion of a process that has lasted more than ten years that like Shrek, but both movies are very significative for young people, and for adults.
A lot of people of my age, Toy Story is one of the films that mark the "Videotrack" of our lifes. We all enjoy the adventures of Andy's toys to survive and be the best toys for him. Who did not want to have a Mr Potato? Or be the cowboy Goody?. Meanwhile, Shrek is what for us was Toy Story, but with a more short final, as all things are today only. I invite you to see both trilogy, because Im sure you will surprise.

Why I study Journalism?

If he was not managing to be a football player, he would be a journalist. It is the
second passion that I like. It is a combination between the fantasy and the reality that allows me to penetrate several topics and to help many people. I believe that as García Márquez said " it is the best trade of the world ". I chose journalism because I feel that advertising does not have all the personal benefits of my career. Journalism helps the persons, journalism denounces irregularity, journalism entertains.
I like the sports journalism, because it brings me over to my great passion since is the football and of one or another way keeps me connected with the history and the sport.
The Journalism is the cultural reflection of a country and opens the mind us for the
world. Today more that never I like to read and to write.
I dont understand the people who resigns the Journalism. I like so much and I believe
that it is what really matters. More than the money, more than the power. To be a
journalist it is necessary to have passion. by Felipe Leiva

Why i study Journalism?

It's difficult to answer why I'm studying journalism. We all know that you work really hard, and you won't become a millionaire, among other things. However, I believe that journalism is one of the few professions in which you really have to love what you're doing to be successful. You can't be born as a good journalist. You build good journalist. And that can only happen if you are willing to work hard and learn with every step you take.

I could say that I study journalism because I need to speak up. I feel the need of saying the things that noone says. I like being this sort of "messenger". The fact that my words can reach people's hearts, tell them the truth, make them aware of what happens around them.

Behind journalism there's no money, no pretensions. But, anyhow, you always win something. Experience, in this carreer, is irreplaceable.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010


I decided to study journalism because I loved all about communications. The truth is that at the beginning it wasn’t my first option, but now I’m sure with my decision. Today, after studying almost five years, I can say that is a very important career, because we have an influence in keeping people informed and we help them to have their own opinion.
In the future I would like to work in the communications area of an important company. Hopefully in the area of sports or movies, because there are two things I love.
For: Víctor Cáceres Massara

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

My favourite actors

He is Tim Burton's favorite actor . Johnny Deep has small brown eyes and slim lips. He´s 1.75 cm, this artist always waear glasses and usually has a moustage. He doesn’t dress as the rest of the actors of Hollywood. He uses faded clothes, ancient shirts and combines the colors of particular form. A rough boy is for many people inside the seventh art and speaks ironically. Deep is a character. He wears necklaces, handcrafted bracelets and many women like his your penetrating look.

Cameron Diaz is attractive and sensual. She has Blond hair. Her main chatracteristic is her great smile that impresses anyone. Of thin figure and one of the prettiest women of the seventh art. Her eyes are blue. Generally it,she wears dresses and red is the color that best suit her. In Chile, she could be compared to Kenita Larrain. After her career as a model, The mask led by Jim Carrey was selected in 1994 for the movie.

Sean is 49 years old. He is a thin man with short hair. He sometimes uses moustache and other times a beard. He is always dressed in shirts and blue jeans. When he has an important event, he wears a suit and tie for the occasion. He has brown hair, but now he has some white hairs. He also has a snub nose and blue eyes. Sean is a bit short and his skin is very white, as a typical man of Irish origin.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

The murder of a Chilean star

Miami, United States. 3erd September 2010.

Yesterday the police found a dead body in Mapocho River. The officers took the body and saw stranger marcs in the hands of the victim. After the first investigation, the police told the parents that the victim was murderer by ten men who were looking for something in the victim’s. The victim was a woman named Raquel Argandoña, she was a very famous celebrity in Chile. Thousands of fans went to the star‘s funeral. The family of the victim kept the clothes and Jewells of Raquel, to make a museum in her name.

The daughter of the victim, Kel, spent a lot of money this evening at a party on behalf of her mother. A lot of actors and TV stars of Chile went to the party, to remember the soul of Argandoña.

The finally investigation, had as result that the victim was raped after her death, and the ten men are still being looked for by the police in the streets of Miami.

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

AUTOBIOGRAPHY: The quarterback

Hello to all. I Felipe Leiva, future journalist of Chile. I was born in Santiago on december 19th, in 1987. A soccer fan, music, movies and books. Im studying at Diego Portales University. I Have two sisters, María José and Francisca, one brother, Sebastian and Toto, the dog of family. I live with my grandparents because the house of my parents is very small. I am 22 years and this year want to travel to Barcelona or Miami. Iam working in CNN Chile and as says in the movie "The secret of her eyes " I AM AFRAID. My only advice that I can give for the future is uses sunblock and live under the moral fiber. Enjoy!

Diego Villegas

Hi, I'm Diego Villegas, a young journalism student at the University UDP and a fan of strange things. I am 22 years and my favourite music is rock and roll. I like sports too, but especially football. My favourite team is UC. I enjoy Italian food and long conversations, so I spend many hours of my day in my house, with a lot of old people. I’m someone who has a very good mood and not in the spirit never down. I play guitar about five times a week, but I have a band with which to play, so if I have many songs that do not play ever in public. Hope you like the blog, and we put much effort into it.

Auto Biography Carlos Ferreira: The boss

Hi! My name is Carlos Ferreira. I am twenty two years old and my star sign is Leo. I was born on the 3rd of august of 1987 in Santiago, Chile. I have two sisters: Marisol, who is twenty five years old, and María José, she is twenty eight years old. I live with my mom, Gloria, and my sisters in a really nice flat in Ñuñoa. Im currently studying Journalism at Universidad Diego Portales. Im on my last year of university and I want to work in a newspaper or something like that. Im a huge fan of grunge band Pearl Jam, I love soccer and the italian food. The cinema is one of the things that makes me happy. I enjoy from the infantile movies up to Tarantino's violent tapes. The cinema is one good leak for this intensive life. Im now working in this blog about one of my favourites hobbies: The movies!

Víctor The Big Boss Cáceres

Hello, my name is Víctor Cáceres Massara and this is my fifth year studying journalism at the Univeridad Diego Portales. I live in Santiago - Chile. I am 22. Im a sports fan and watching different movies in my free time. My mom's name is Claudia and my dad is Felix. They separated ten years ago. I have two brohers: 24 years old Catalina, and Benjamín of 20. Also I have three dogs, wich a part of the family.

To tell them an extreme experience, in the earthquake I was in the seven cups. It felt very strong and together with four friends they gave us missing.

If the girls want to know, I´m a nice boy, I´m a charming person and I like going to the cinema and eating pastas. Most important, I´m a single boy.


We are four students for journalism and friends. We want to show in the blog the vision on the seven art.